Articles, Books and Readings (Academic)
My thanks to Aishwarya Singh for formatting these citations
1. A.H. Butler et. al., Gay and Lesbian Youth Experiences of Homophobia in South African Secondary Education, 1 J. Gay & Lesbian Issues Educ. 3 (2003).
2. A.H. Grossman & A.R. D’Augelli, Transgender Youth: Invisible and Vulnerable, 51 J. Homosexuality111 (2006).
3. Almedia J. et.al., Emotional Distress Among LGBT Youth: The Influence of Perceived Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation, 38(7) J. Youth &Adolescence 1001 (2009).
4. Autumn M. Dodge & Paul A. Crutcher, Inclusive classrooms for LGBTQ Students. Using Linked Text Sets to Challenge The Hegemonic “Single Story”, 59 (1) J. of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 95 (2015).
5. Chad M. et. al, School Absenteeism and Mental Health among Sexual Minority Youth and Heterosexual Youth, 52 J. Sch. Psychol. 37 (2014).
6. Collier K. et. al., Homophobic Name Calling Among Secondary School Students and its Implications for Mental Health, 42(3) J. Youth &Adolescence363 (2013).
7. Crispin Thurlow, Naming the “Outsider Within”: Homophobic Pejoratives and the Verbal Abuse of Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual High-School Pupils, 24(1) J. Adolescence 25 (2001).
8. D.E. Bontempo & A.R. D’Augelli, Effects of at-School Victimization and Sexual Orientation on Lesbian, Gay or Bisexual Youths’ Health Risk Behavior, 30 J. Adolescent Health 364 (2002).
9. D.L. Espelage et. al., Homophobic Teasing, Psychological Outcomes, and Sexual Orientation among High School Students: What Influence do Parents and Schools have? 37 Sch. Psychol. Rev. 202 (2008).
10. Dharma Nand Bhatta, HIV Related Sexual Risk Behavior Among Male-to-Female Transgender People in Nepal, 22 Int’l J. Infectious Diseases 11 (2014).
11. Emily O’Malley Olsen et. al., School Violence and Bullying Among Sexual Minority High School Students 2009-2011, J. Adolescent Health (2014).
12. Emma Renold, Presumed Innocence (Hetero) Sexual, Heterosexist and Homophobic Harassment among Primary School Girls and Boys, 9(4) Childhood 415 (2002).
13. Rieger et. al., Childhood Gender Nonconformity Remains a Robust and Neutral Correlate of Sexual Orientation: Reply to Heagarty, 45(4) Dev. Psychol. 901 (2009).
14. Rieger et. al., Sexual Orientation and Childhood Gender Non-Conformity: Evidence from Home Videos, 44(1) Dev. Psychol. 46 (2008).
15. Rieger et.al., Dissecting “Gaydar”: Accuracy and the Role of Masculinity-Femininity, 39(1) Archives Sexual Behav.124 (2010).
16. Greg Knotts, Undoing Gender Through Legislation and Schooling: The Case of AB 537 and AB 394 in California, USA, 55 (5-6) Int’l Rev.Educ. 597 (2009).
17. Ian Rivers, Well-Being Among Same-Sex- and Opposite-Sex- Attracted Youth at School, 37 (2) Sch. Psychol. Rev.174 (2008).
18. Ian Rivers, The Bullying of Sexual Minorities at School: Its Nature and Long Term Correlates, 18(1) Educ. &Child Psychol. 32 (2001).
19. Ilan H. Meyer, Prejudice, Social Stress, and Mental Health in Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Populations: Conceptual Issues and Research Evidence, 129 (5) Psychol. Bull. 674 (2003).
20. J.B. Mayo, Jr., Critical Pedagogy Enacted in the Gay-Straight Alliance: New Possibilities for a Third Space in Teacher Development, 42(5) Educ. Researcher 266 (2013).
21. J.C. Kerr et.al., Life Satisfaction and Peer Victimization among USA Public High School Adolescents, 4 Child Indicators Res. 127 (2011).
22. J.K. McGuire et. al., School Climate for Transgender Youth: A Mixed Method Investigation of Student Experiences and School Responses, 39 (10) J. Youth & Adolescence1175 (2010).
23. J.P. Calzo et.al., Retrospective Recall of Sexual Orientation Identity Development among Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Adults, 47 Dev. Psychol. 1658 (2011).
24. J.S. Hong et. al.,Understanding Suicide among Sexual Minority Youth in America: An Ecological Systems Analysis, 34(5)J. Adolescence885 (2011).
25. Joe Rollins, The Right to Be Out: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in America’s Public Schools by Stuart Biegel, 46(4) L. & Soc’y Rev. 940 (2012) (book review).
26. K.E.W. Immelstein& H. Bruckner, Criminal-justice and School Sanctions Against Nonheterosexual Youth: A National Longitudinal Study, 127(1) Pediatrics 49 (2011).
27. K.L. Collier, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity/Expression Related Peer Victimization in Adolescence: A Systematic Review of Associated Psychosocial and Health Outcomes, 50 (3-4) J. Sex Res. 299 (2013).
28. Kingsley Purdam et. al., Surveying Sexual Orientation: Asking Difficult Questions and Providing Useful Answers, 10 (2) Culture, Health & Sexuality127 (2008).
29. Laura M. Crothers & Edward M. Levinson, Assessment of Bullying: A Review of Methods and Instruments, 82(4) J. Counselling & Dev. 496 (2004).
30. Lina Darwich, School Avoidance and Substance Use Among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Questioning Youths: The Impact of Peer Victimization and Adult Support, 104 (2) J. Educ. Psychol. 381 (2012).
31. Lisa M. Jones et. al., Trends in youth internet victimization: Findings from three youth internet safety surveys (2000-2010), 50 J. Adolescent Health 179 (2012).
32. Birkett et.al., LGB and Questioning Students in Schools: The Moderating Effects of Homophobic Bullying and School Climate on Negative Outcomes, 38 J. Youth & Adolescence989 (2009).
33. Plöderl et.al., The Contribution of School to the Feeling of Acceptance and the Risk of Suicide Attempts among Austrian Gay and Bisexual Males, 57 J. Homosexuality819 (2010).
34. M.S. Friedman et. al., The Impact of Gender-Role Nonconforming Behavior, Bullying and Social Support on Suicidality among Gay Male Youth, 38 J. Adolescence 621 (2006).
35. Michael J. Michell, When Consciousness Dawns: Confronting Homophobia with Turkish High School Students, 98 (4) Eng. J. 67 (2009).
36. Michael Weinberg, LGBT-Inclusive Language, 98(4) Eng. J.50 (2009).
37. Pizmony-Levy et.al., Do my Teachers Care I’m Gay? Israeli Lesbigay School Students’ Experiences at their Schools, 5 J. LGBT Youth33 (2008).
38. R.B. Toomey et.al., Gender-nonconforming Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth: School Victimization and Young Adult Psychosocial Adjustment, 46(6) Dev. Psychol. 1580 (2010).
39. Rigoberto Marquez & E.Brockenbrough, Queer Youth v. the State of California: Interrogating Legal Discourseson the Rights of Queer Students of Color, 43(4) Curriculum Inquiry (Theme Issue: Queers of Color and Anti-Oppressive Knowledge Production) 461 (2013).
40. Russell B. Toomeya et.al., Heteronormativity, School Climates, and Perceived Safety for Gender Nonconforming Peers 35 J. Adolescence 187 (2012).
41. Aerts et. al., Sense of Belonging in Secondary Schools: A Survey LGB and Heterosexual Students in Flanders, 59 J. Homosexuality 90 (2012).
42. S.E. Wyss, This was my Hell” :The Violence Experienced by Gender Non-Conforming Youth in U.S. High Schools, 17(5) Int’l J. Qualitative Stud. Educ.709 (2004).
43. S.M. Swearer et.al., “You’re So Gay”! Do Different Forms of Bullying Matter for Adolescent Males?, 37 Sch. Psychol. Rev. 160 (2008).
44. S.S. Orn& L. Nucci, The Multidimensionality of Adolescents’ Beliefs About and Attitudes Toward Gay and Lesbian Peers in School, 36(2) Equity & Excellence in Educ. 136 ( 2003).
45. S.T. Russell et. al., Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Adolescent School Victimization: Implications for Young Adult Health and Adjustment, 81 J. Sch. Health 223 (2011).
46. Sandra L. Pollock, Counselor Roles in Dealing with Bullies and their LGBT Victims, 38 (2) Middle Sch. J. 29 (2006).
47. Saskia Aerts, Sense of Belonging in Secondary Schools: A Survey of LGB and Heterosexual Students in Flanders, 59 J. Homosexuality 113 (2012).
48. Smriti Nevatia et.al., Bound by Norms and Out of Bounds: Experiences of PAGFB (Persons Assigned Gender Female at Birth) Within the Formal Education System: Lesbians and Bisexuals in Action (LABIA), 9(2) Contemporary Educ. Dialogue 173 (2012).
49. Stevi Jackson, Gender Sexuality and Heterosexuality. The complexity and limits of Heteronormativity, 7 (1) Feminist Theory 105 (2006).
50. Susan M. Swearer et. al., You’re So Gay!: Do Different Forms of Bullying Matter for Adolescent Males?, 37 (2) Sch. Psychol. Rev.174 (2008).
51. Susan Talburt, Constructions of LGBT Youth: Opening up Subject Positions, 43 (2) Theory Into Practice 116 (2004).
52. T.B. Murdock & M.B. Bolch, Risk and Protective Factors for Poor School Adjustment in Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual (LGB) High School Youth: Variable and Person-Centered Analyses, 42 Psychol. Sch.159 (2005).
53. P. Poteatet.al., Willingness to Remain Friends and Attend School with Lesbian and Gay Peers: Relational Expressions of Prejudice among Heterosexual Youth, 38(7) J. Youth & Adolescence(2009).
54. Paul Poteat& Ian Rivers, The Use of Homophobic Language Across Bullying Roles During Adolescence, 31 J. Applied Dev. Psychol. 166 (2010).
55. Paul Poteat&Stephen Russell, Understanding Homophobic Behaviour and its Implications for Policy and Practice, 52 Theory Into Practice264 (2013).
56. Paul Poteat, Contextual and Moderating Effects of the Peer Group Climate on Use of Homophobic Epithets, 37 (2) Sch. Psychol. Rev.188 (2008).
57. Paul Poteat, Peer Group Socialization of Homophobic Attitudes and Behavior during Adolescence, 78 (6) Child Dev.1830 (2007).
58. V.P. Poteat et.al., The Effects of General and Homophobic Victimization on Adolescents’ Psychosocial and Educational Concerns: The Importance of Intersecting Identities and Parent Support, 58(4) J. Counselling Psychol. 597 (2011).
59. V.P. Poteat& D.L. Espelage, Exploring the Relation between Bullying and Homophobic Verbal Content: The Homophobic Content Agent Target (HCAT) Scale, 20 (5) Violence & Victims 513 (2005).
60. V.P. Poteat& D.L. Espelage, Predicting Psychosocial Consequences of Homophobic Victimization in Middle School Students, 27 J. Early Adolescence 175 (2007).
61. V.P. Poteat, Contextual and Moderating Effects of peer group climate on use of homophobic epithets, 37 Sch. Psychol. Rev.188 (2008).
62. Hidaka &. Operario, Attempted Suicide, Psychological Health and Exposure to Harassment among Japanese Homosexual, Bisexual or Other Men Questioning their Sexual Orientation Recruited via the Internet, 60 J. Epidemiology &Community Health962 (2006).